The project

Students from third countries

in Portugal: challenges of integration

in a (post)pandemic era

Students in Portugal

Given the disruptive nature of the Covid-19 pandemic in international student mobility, new challenges were posed for the integration of international students in host institutions and countries. In this context, this project, financed by Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (PT/2021/FAMI/706) aims to examine the changes in the profiles of international students from third countries who entered in Portugal since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and to investigate how these students evaluate and give meaning to their experiences during the (post)pandemic period.

The Team

Thais França

Thais França

Cies-Iscte, Iscte-IUL 

Co-principal investigator

Cosmin Nada

Cosmin Nada


Co-principal investigator

Bianca Lyrio

Bianca Lyrio


Research Assistant

David Cairns

David Cairns



Daniel Malet-Calvo

Daniel Malet-Calvo



Patricia Ávila

Patrícia Ávila



Sofia Marques da Silva

Sofia Marques da Silva



Pedro Ferreira

Pedro Ferreira



The partners


Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte) of the Iscte- University Institute of Lisbon


The Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte) of the Iscte- University Institute of Lisbon, is dedicated to studying contemporary social problems from a multidisciplinary perspective. Its main scientific domain is sociology, developing relevant activity in the fields of public policy, political science, communication, education, modern and contemporary history and social work. CIES-Iscte’s activity is characterised by a demanding articulation between basic research and applied research mainly directed at the design, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in various sectors and areas of intervention.

logo CIIE

Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (FPCEUP)


The Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (FPCEUP) is a research institution supported by FCT and develops high-quality research on key issues of educational processes and social change, in order to broaden the role of education in promoting equity, inclusion and active citizenship. Established in 1988, CIIE brings together excellent capacity and great experience of its team of researchers, having, especially in recent years, managed to achieve great success in attracting external funding, particularly from the European Union.


Thais França (Cies-Iscte):
Cosmin Nada (CIEE-FPCEUP):